Home > Hand Tools > Hammers > Copper
Part Number: THO-04-322Brand: Thor
The Copper face combined with the Malleable Iron head gives a SAFE but high-impact blow.Ideal where a heavy blow is required combined with a relatively small striking area. Faces are designed to wear and can be replaced. Replacement Copper Face ref 71-322C71-322C Size 5 Replacement Copper FaceReplacement Handle ref 99-5H36 99-5H36 Replacement Handle
An excellent Dual-Purpose soft faced hammer for the Automotive Trade and many General Engineering and Industrial Applications.
(ALL WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE)Weight 6 kgApproximate Length 915mm 36inApproximate Weight 6000gStriking Material CopperFace Diameter 70mm 2.3/4in
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