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1.20mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)

1.20mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)£25.45

1.20mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.20mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£45.75

1.20mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.20mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£27.88

1.20mm Left Hand HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.20mm Left Hand HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£72.03

1.25mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.25mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£41.63

1.30mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)

1.30mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)£23.98

1.30mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.30mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£42.88

1.30mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.30mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£26.88

1.30mm Left Hand HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.30mm Left Hand HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£68.73

1.35mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.35mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£39.63

1.40mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)

1.40mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)£24.88

1.40mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.40mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£41.50

1.40mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.40mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£25.75

1.40mm Left Hand HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.40mm Left Hand HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£66.50

1.45mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.45mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£37.75

1.50mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)

1.50mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)£23.09

1.50mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.50mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£27.38

1.50mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.50mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£20.25

1.55mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.55mm HSS Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£36.38

1.60mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)

1.60mm HSS Long Twist Drill (Pk of 5)£23.39

1.60mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)

1.60mm HSS Stubby Twist Drill (Pk of 10)£38.50

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